Do you want to burn belly fat without exercising? It is totally possible. What it takes is to have the right mindset and be able to do what it takes to achieve your objective. As we are in the first half of thear, make a resolution on how many stomach inches you want to burn within the rest 7 months of the year and be determined to work towards that goal.
Burning belly fat without exercising is very possible but it doesn't come easy. However, it is something you need to do, it won't only help you feel good and look attractive, it will also help you avoid diseases such as heart disease, type-diabetes, and certain types of cancers.
Most of us are too busy at work to have time for exercise. If your schedule doesn't leave you any free time for exercising, don't worry, just make sure you follow the guidelines below to start working towards achieving your goal as possible.
Below, we have made a list of 21 ways you can get rid of stomach fat without exercising.
Walking has been heavily documented as the best thing for sedentary people to add to lose weight permanently. Everyday find opportunities to walk more often.
To the corner store, around the house, or in place. It really does not matter as long as you walk at least 30 minutes daily. Consistently increase your walking pace to 3.5 miles per hour.
2. Reduce Sugar Intake
Sugar makes you fat. When you want to lose belly fat, the first thing you should start avoiding is sugar. Instead of eating sugar, replace them with proteins, vegetables, and whole grains instead of eating sugars that are found in processed foods.
Before you take your tea or coffee, add cinnamon powder to it, this will help you reduce your belly fat by stabilizing your blood sugar levels. It also makes you feel full for a longer period of time.
3. Stand Up
Standing burns 33% more calories than sitting. Be sure to stand for a total of 3 hours daily to burn belly fat. Next time you find yourself sitting on the couch watching TV, Stand Up! For an increased effect walk in place as you watch TV.
4. Drink Plenty of Water
It is recommended that you need at least 8 glasses of water per day. Most of us don't get that amount every day. You can lose tummy fat when you drink lots of water. Start by taking two cups of water before each meal, if you can do this, you will lose about 7kg in just 12 weeks.
Two cans of soda will give you 270 calories; you can save yourself from gaining these extra calories by replacing your sugary drinks with water. Moreover, water will help you stay hydrated.
5. Suck In Your Stomach
Yes, merely sucking in your stomach will tighten up your belly and strengthen the muscles underneath your future six-pack. Here's what you do - Suck in your stomach as far as you can (Pull inwards, not squeezing).
Focus on pulling in your belly button as far as you can. Hold for 5 seconds, keep breathing, and release. Rest for 10 seconds and repeat, this time focus on pulling in from the top of your belly. Alternate. You will feel the burn.
Start off with 10 reps twice a day. Over the next two weeks increase the frequency and the duration of sucking in your stomach farther and farther, more and more often, holding it longer and longer. In your car, at your desk, walking, remember don't hold your breath. Eventually you want to get to the point where you are doing it constantly and unconsciously.
6. Get Enough Sleep
According to a research, people who sleep for just 6 hours or less daily gain 2 kg more than those who sleep for 8 hours. You have 27% more risk of developing obesity when you are a light sleeper.
Lack of sleep stimulates appetite and forces you to eat. When you have a good sleep, it will normalize your hunger hormones known as ghrelin and leptin.
7. Turn Off The TV
People who watch television for 3 hours daily or more are 60% more likely to be or become obese. Watch TV for an hour a day and find something else to do. Garden, clean, build something, whatever as long as you find yourself moving.
8.Reduce Stress
Stress makes you gain weight. A high-stress level leads to a high level of cortisol. It is this cortisol that regulates glucose levels, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism. When your cortisol level keeps on rising, it will lead to an increase in your stomach fat. If you wish to reduce stomach fat, manage your stress levels.
9. Breathe
Did you know the number one method to eliminate waste from our bodies is exhaling?
When you burn fat, your body creates a lot of toxins that must be eliminated. If you have ever had a science course you will undoubtedly be familiar with the fact that mass cannot be created or destroyed, only converted. When you burn wood, the mass of the wood is converted to energy and gas. The same thing happens when we burn belly fat in our bodies. We in essence, breathe out all the fat.
If you were sealed in a glass container that just happened to be sitting on a scale, and you lost 40 pounds, the scale would not show the weight loss. Why?
Because the weight of all the fat lost would be trapped in the air of the sealed glass container. What I am trying to say is, breathe! Practice deep breathing exercises, short breathing techniques and any other breathing exercise that interests you.
10. Increase Your Intake of Vitamin C
If you found yourself going through much stress, you can fight it by increasing your intake of vitamin C. Research shows that vitamin C helps to produce carnitine - a compound that works in a special way by converting fat into energy. A good way to get vitamin C into your body is by taking vitamin C supplements.
11. Take a Bath
Do not worry, this is not as easy as it sounds. Here we are talking about cold water immersion. Water cold enough to make you shiver. Fifteen minutes of shivering is equal to jogging for 15 minutes. In their training, Navy SEAL's are forced to sit in the ocean as waves crash over them for up to an hour. This is not warm water, rather 45-50 degree water. Due to the severity of this training, SEAL's are constantly monitored for hypothermia. This is not recommend or endorsed.
Instead there are two techniques that you can apply
Fill a bath tub with very cold water to ankle height.
Get in. Walk in place 2-4 minutes. This is much more bearable than what the Navy does, but yet still triggers an increase in your metabolism that lasts quite awhile.
Take a bath as normal but instead fill the tub as high as possible with water at room temperature, 70 degrees.
The water should not feel warm, but rather cool. Get in, read a book, practice your breathing exercises, etc. for 30-60 minutes. Drink ice water to speed the effect.
After 10-15 minutes you will find your body slightly shivering. This is good, but do not push it. When your body tells you it's time to quit, get out. There is no need to rush. In time you will be a pro at burning belly fat trough cold water immersion without risking your health.
12 . Take More Protein
Protein is an essential nutrient for an overall weight loss. When you have enough protein, there will be an increase in your metabolism.
That's not all, it will also lead to a reduced cravings and help increase the feeling of satiety. A research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that you can reduce the rate you feel hungry by increasing your protein intake from 15% to 30%.
13. Take A Steam Bath
Sweating is an excellent way of detoxifying. But, do not do this after your cold water immersion, the effect on your metabolism would be lost. You can artificially cause your body to sweat by taking a sauna or a steam. When your body is hot by fever, exercise or by steam, your heart rate increases. Blood circulation increases to cool the body, perspiring takes energy, thus burning calories and releasing hundreds of toxins. Another excellent method to burn belly fat.
Please, do not be mistaken. I am not recommending dehydration. In fact I recommend drinking lots of water, even bring water in with you to stay hydrated. Make sure it's HOT water, cool water will defeat the purpose. If you are dehydrated you will not sweat as much, if at all.
Start with 10 minutes but keep 20 minutes as the maximum.
No access to a steam? No problem. Have a seat on your toilet, turn the shower on, HOT, with the door closed and the fan off. You can also put a sauna suit on to increase the effect. Drink lots of water. You could even walk in place to burn additional calories.
14 . Eat Little Portions of Food Consistently
Don't wait until you get hungry before you eat. Instead, eat little portions between intervals. The fact is that if you wait until you are famished before you eat, there is a strong possibility that you will overeat.
You are also likely to indulge in unhealthy snacking when you are hungry. You can avoid this by eating small portions of balanced diet between intervals throughout the day.
15. Do what the Shaolin Monks Do
Technically, I guess you could call some of these techniques exercise, however these will firm you up, and make you tougher than weight lifting, without touching a dumbbell.
Stand with your arms straight at your sides and your elbows locked.
Forcefully press your palms down and raise your straight fingers back quickly. Repeat 49 times. You should feel this in your forearms and triceps. Do this daily and your arms will be as firm as a wood board.
Stand with your arms at your side.
Imagine a fly at chin level at the edge of your reach. Forcefully, fluidly, throw your arm up with your left shoulder focusing on speed. Imagine catching the fly in your vertical fist, and squeeze it as hard as you can. Hold it for a second. Now, throw the right arm up and squeeze, then throw the left fist up and squeeze hard.
Repeat 49 times. This will firm up the arms, chest, shoulders and improve your coordination.
Stretch your arms straight out in front of you.
Spread your legs wider than shoulder width and squat down 1/4 of the way. Pause. Stay in this position as long as you can, aiming for 5 minutes to start. Keep your arms up. If you can only hold this for 30 seconds. No problem. Stand up, rest a moment and repeat until you have reached 5 minutes.
This will tone your legs like no other exercise can. Shaolin Masters can squat down to parallel and keep their arms outstretched for an hour, easily.
16. Eat Unsaturated Fats
Believe it or not, eating unsaturated fats can help you lose weight. If you love avocado and olive, you will be happy to know they have a rich amount of unsaturated fats which you need to be eating more when you want to lose weight.
According to a new research, eating unsaturated fats can help you burn off more energy.
17. Eat Lots of Fiber
Eating fiber is necessary when you want to lose belly fat, it will help you balance your blood sugar levels and also prevent insulin resistance. Fiber slows down the absorption of carbs and sugars, making it less likely to store fat or even develop diabetes.
Again, fiber will help you avoid constipation and pass out food quickly.
18. Avoid Chewing Gum
Most people see chewing gum as part of their fashion. You should try to avoid this habit as much as possible, it causes swallowing puff-producing air. When this happens, it leads to bloating. If you want to keep your breath fresh, use mints instead.
19. Eat Healthy Carbohydrates
You know how it was said that carbohydrates make you fat. However, not every carbohydrate is bad. Some carbohydrates contain vitamins and minerals that are good for the body.
You can lose belly fat when you choose your carbohydrates from cereal fiber, brown rice, bulgur wheat, couscous, and even dark bread. Most of these carbohydrates are filled with fiber that will give you the feeling of satiety.
20 . Eat 3 Servings of Dairy Foods Daily
Eat 3 servings of dairy products such as buttermilk, yogurt, milk, and cheese daily. Eating these foods will help you to improve digestion, boost your immunity, and even help you lose those extra pounds. Moreover, they are known for giving the feeling of satiety which means you won't need to eat for a long time.
21. Take a Short Walk
If you don't have a busy life that involves taking bus, stairs or getting involved in some physical activities, it would be a good idea to take a short walk every day.
Walking is not exercise per se. Moreover, it is advisable to get some physical activities for your overall health. You can lose one pound per week when you start taking walk often and up to 20 pounds in five months.
Some of you may not think these are easy ways to lose weight, but they will cause your body to lose belly fat as well as the body fat as a whole.
You can totally do it with doing no exercises if you are ready to work towards it. It is possible. You just need to know the foods that you should avoid and those that you will need to eat more.
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