Best Lockdown Diet Plan For Weight Loss After Covid19: Dodgy Diet Signs

Coronavirus and dodgy diet signs you need to be aware of if looking to lose weight and get back in shape.

It wasn't until lockdown when it was realised the world over just how serious the coronavirus was.

When that state of emergency of international concern was announced, it proved we had a major health pandemic on our hands.

Sadly a lot of lives were lost due to covid19, while, the number still remains high for people in hospital fighting to survive this cruel virus.

If it wasn't for people around the globe coming together during this traumatic time---giving all NHS workers the support needed to save as many lives possible while risking their own safety, where would be.

Even though covid19 is still lurking and being managed... what of them during lockdown who changed their eating habits through boredom and banged on weight.

Because of the coronavirus we are now facing another pandemic of people feared to step on to the weighing scales.

It can be daunting and overwhelming looking for a weight loss plan, nonetheless, don't act in haste and get sucked in by diet companies gimmicks.

Evaluate all diets before making a decision.
I can't emphasise enough the importance of getting a doctor involved, especially if personal health issues are included.

Your doctor has all present and past records on your medical history, where the doctor can gather information and know whether to refer you to a dietician.

If you've piled on the pounds during those quarantine days and looking to lose weight then choose your diet carefully.

A popular and trusted one that delivers on its promise of a positive result is the custom made keto diet plan.

Note: There's no instant overnight fix for losing weight.

Note: Dramatic weight loss is unhealthy and dangerous, so diets offering speedy weight loss... forget it.

Look towards a slow and steady approach and the weight will drop off in no time.

Note: Dodgy diets are typically highly restrictive and low in calories. It's not up for debate that weight can't be lost, but at the expense of the persons well being.

Bad diet signs that suggest you seek medical advice.

Severe hunger

This shouldn't be the case... period. Not feeling full after eating is reason for a red light.

Hair loss 

Definitely reason for alarm. Hair falling out is normally due to a shortage of vitamin B8 (Biotin). Shortage of this kind extends to greying hair, flaky red skin, cracking nails and muscular pain.

Energy Loss

If the body is denied a healthy amount of vitamin C and B, metabolism has to do double the work which can bring fatigue and drowsiness.

Flaky scalp

Another sign making a statement that not enough essential fatty acids like Omega 3 is consumed.

Mouth sores

Mouth sores that keep retuning is likely down to another type of deficiency, that being vitamin B12.

Tingling/numbness in the limbs (hands and feet)

Normally an indication the body isn't getting ample vitamins of group B such as folate (B9). Extended too, B6 and B12 which are related to issues in the peripheral nerves. 

Possible outcome from this are bouts of anxiety, depressed moods and hormonal imbalances.

It's known that highly restrictive low-calorie diets link to malnourishment and deficits in both vitamins and minerals.


Diets of this sort do more DAMAGE than GOOD.

If you want to turn your life around and lose weight safely then simply turn the above quote around and pick a diet that'll do more GOOD than DAMAGE.

If you want to lose weight but scared of choosing the wrong diet, then look for a custom made plan to suit your own personal needs.

Find out more about one of the most popular ways of getting overweight people back into shape.

Check out the weight loss section at spot the pimple

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How To Burn Fat Without Cardio Or Dieting

I hate cardio.

I hate treadmills, exercise bikes and elliptical machines.

I hate exercising for hours at a time, just to burn off a few measly calories.

Luckily, I recently discovered a way to burn NINE TIMES more fat without wasting my time on the treadmill.

Oh, and best of all, I didn't have to go on a diet or restrict my eating in anyway.

Here's what this is all about

Scientists in Japan have now confirmed what you knew all along

Simply put, you burn more fat by working out intensely than you do when you "dog" it.

Unfortunately, all the "weight loss experts" told us that the only way to burn fat was to exercise at a steady pace for 45-60 minutes at a time.

Yuck! 60 minutes on a treadmill, watching CNN? No thanks.

I decided to try the routine that the scientists in Japan developed, one commonly known as high intensity interval training.

Here's what happened

Instead of huffing and puffing on a treadmill for an hour each day, I slashed my workout time to just FOUR MINUTES.
No, that's not a misprint. 

I exercised for just 240 seconds.

In four weeks, I got into the best shape of my life.

My heart and lungs were stronger than ever.

My bodyfat levels dipped into single digits and my abs (which had been hiding under a layer of fat for quite some time) came into view.

How could I make such a dramatic transformation in just 4 minutes a day?

Well, the high intensity interval training routine actually burns more calories in 4 minutes than working out in the traditional manner for an hour or more.

Here's the science

When you perform traditional cardio, your metabolism rises while you are working out.

But as soon as you stop your exercise, your metabolism drops back down to normal levels.

But when you do High Intensity Interval Training, you don't burn very many calories during your four minute workout.

But your metabolism stays elevated for 24-48 hours after your workout! So you're burning calories and fat all day long.

How To Kick Start Your Metabolism And Burn Your Body Fat

If you're ready to finally burn off that stubborn body fat, you may want to give high intensity interval training a go (assuming your doctor says it's ok).

Alternating speeds every minute

Try alternating speeds every minute
Instead of walking on a treadmill for 60 minutes at the same pace, try alternating speeds every minute.

This forces your body to constantly adapt and you'll burn more calories.

Increase your speed and drop your workout

Next, increase your speed and drop your workout time down.

You don't need to waste 60 minutes a day when you learn how to push yourself.

Keep high intensity interval training

Finally, keep at. High intensity interval training is not easy... but the results come quick.

Don't be surprised if you end up in the best shape of your life.

Matt Marshall is the author of the Tried and True Fitness blog - a site that reveals time-tested methods for building muscle, burning fat and achieving optimum health.

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20 Scientifically Approved Ways to Lose Weight Naturally

You might be tired because of scrolling on your web pages all day searching for a natural weight loss plan that is convincing enough to follow. 

But all you found was the same content on every page asking you to focus on diet and exercise.

However, here we are not going to tell you all the things you already know.

Now, we are going to discuss some scientifically approved ways to lose weight naturally so that you can be convinced enough to make a try. 

So, not wasting much of time, let us discuss them:

1. Healthy Food All the Way

When you are on a weight loss spree, just eating the healthy foods isn't enough.

You also need to focus on stocking, i.e., you need to stock up on healthy food so that you or your any family member is not hogging on unhealthy food.

Various studies have shown that family's environment, such as the stocked-up food affects eating habits and weight changes in family members.

The family environmental factors have also been liked with obesity and other problems associated with it.

2. Say No to Processed Foods

When we start a diet plan, one of the most confusing things is choosing between what to eat and what not to eat. 

This confusion can be seen when people try choosing between fats and sugars and get confused with all the facts and theories, seriously affecting their diet plan.

But, the truth is neither fats nor sugars can affect your weight loss program until they are natural. 

The problem starts when you consume processed sugar or fat and this is what causes weight gain and problems like obesity.

3. Add Protein to Your Diet

You might have read that a protein rich diet can help you with weight loss. 

But, did anyone explain why? 

Why a protein rich diet can be an effective way to lose weight?

Well, when you consume a diet high in protein, the metabolism of your body increases in order to break it down. 

This increase in metabolism also helps in burning calories, thus playing a crucial role in weight loss.

4. Stay Hydrated

If you drink enough water and keep your body hydrated, you can achieve your weight loss goals a lot faster. 

Studies have shown that drinking water can help in burning more calories, so carry your bottle with you all the time and stay hydrated.

Not just this, drinking water before consuming meals can also help in limiting the calorie intake, thus helping with the whole weight loss plan.

5. More Fruits and Veggies

If you stop eating all the junk and start meal prepping and carry healthy fruit and vegetable salads with you, there are possibilities that you achieve your weight loss goals faster. 

Even scientific studies have proved that adding fruits and vegetables to your diet can help you lose weight faster and counter obesity.

This is fruits and vegetables are not only stuffed with nutrition and fiber, but also have a low energy density. 

This means that you can consume large servings to fulfill your hunger without consuming high calories.

6. Limit the Carb Consumption

As we have already discussed the impact of sugars and fats on body and we have understood that what matters is the quality of the nutritious content. 

But, studies have shown that following a low carb, ketogenic diet can help with the weight loss process.

Not just this, a low ketogenic diet can help in increasing the good cholesterol (HDL) in blood and helps in reducing the risk of health problems such as high blood pressure (hypertension) and atherosclerosis.

7. Increase the Fiber Intake

Fibers are a type of carbohydrate that are indigestible by body. You can find fiber in various fruits and vegetables.

There are two kinds of fiber, i.e., soluble and insoluble.

Soluble fibers on one hand can help in absorbing the water in the stomach and provides a sensation of fullness. 

This helps in reducing calorie intake, thus helps with the weight loss program. 

Also, insoluble fiber helps in clearing the digestive tract and promotes the movement of the stool bulk through the intestine.

Consumption of high fiber foods such as broccoli, split peas, lentils, artichokes, avocados, oatmeal, barley, etc. can help you with weight loss and can promote the health of the digestive tract.

8. Proper Sleeping Cycle

Studies have shown that people who don't sleep enough are at high risk of obesity.

To be precise, sleep is important if you want to lose weight. Not only this, it prevents from future weight gain.

But why sleep affects body weight?

Well, sleep deprivation affects hunger hormones, thus increases appetite, causing weight gain.

9. Add Some Spice to It

Weight loss isn't just about eating fruits and vegetables, you can add some spices to your weight loss plan and make it tastier.

There are various spices that can be added to your diet to help you with weight loss, some of these are turmeric, cumin, chili peppers, jalapeƱos, etc.

These spices can help in boosting metabolism, thus helps in burning more calories and eventually promotes weight loss.

Also, some spices can also help in suppressing the appetite, thus limiting the calorie consumption, which in turn leads to weight loss.

10. Try Probiotics

Probiotics are living microorganisms such as bacteria that when consumed are beneficial for health.

They are essential for the health of the digestive system, heart, and even have weight loss benefits.

But, the question is why are probiotics helpful for weight loss?

Well, various studies have shown that obese people have different gut microbiome as compared to that of normal people.

Well, consuming probiotics can help in maintaining healthy gut bacteria, thus helps in preventing obesity.

Not just this, they can help in inhibiting the absorption of fat by the body and also suppresses appetite that can lead to weight loss.

11. Coffee and Green Tea

Well, these two are the most effective ingredients to lose weight.

You can find these two everywhere whenever you try to search for a weight loss diet.

But do you know why are they effective?

How they help with weight loss?

What makes green tea and coffee effective is their antioxidants constituent.

Antioxidants are not only effective for fighting the free radical damage but can also promote weight loss.

Consuming green tea or coffee can help in burning the calories at a faster rate and promote weight loss.

12. Use Coconut Oil in Place of Your Regular Cooking Oil

When following a weight loss program, you not only need to change your eating habits, but also have to make changes in your eating habits too.

The first thing you need to change is to replace your regular cooking oil with coconut oil and use it for cooking.

This is because coconut oil contains high amount of a fat known as medium-chain triglycerides.

These fats can help in boosting metabolism while minimizing your calorie consumption.

This allows the body to burn more calories than consumed, thus helps in losing weight. Also, coconut oil has been scientifically proven to treat belly fat.

13. Don't Miss Eggs

Among all the foods discussed above, eggs hold an important place in weight loss diet.

They are one of the most effective weight loss foods. Why?

Because they are not only low in calories, but also contain a good amount of protein and are loaded with nutrients.

Moreover, they are pocket friendly and can help you save money while on weight loss routine.

So, if you are setting up a weight loss diet, don't forget to include eggs in the breakfast, because what can be better than a food that can provide you a great amount of protein, help with weight loss, and can also save some money.

14. Track Your Calorie Intake

When you are following a weight loss plan, it is important to keep an eye on the calories you are consuming.

By keeping a track of the calories you are consuming, you can make proper weight loss diet plan according to your dietary needs.

There are various ways you can keep track of your calorie consumption.

You can either use a food diary note down the number of calories you consume daily or take the pictures of the food you eat.

Also, as we all own a smartphone these days, we can even use some mobile application to track our calorie consumption.

15. Eat Slow!

When you eat fast, you consume calories faster than your body responds to it.

This leads to high calorie consumption even before your body signals that you are full.

Also, it is scientifically proven that people who eat at a faster rate are more likely to suffer from obesity as compared to slow eaters.

Also, when a person eats slowly, they consume less calories and also boosts the release of hormones associated with weight loss.

16. Add Some Whey Protein

This modern life style has made us so busy that we don't even have time to eat properly.

This is the reason why we aren't able to fulfill the nutrition requirement of our body.

So, if you are not able to consume enough protein every day, the best option is to include whey protein in your diet.

You can simply buy a bag (or jar) of whey protein from market and consume as per the guidelines mentioned on the package.

Studies have shown that if you replace natural calories with whey protein, it can help in weight loss while boosting the lean muscle growth in body.

However, you have to carefully read the nutritious composition of the protein before buying it, as there are times when they contain some added sugars or additives that are harmful for health.

17. Don't Let the Food Addiction Take Over

There are many people around the world who eat food not because they are hungry, but because they are addicted to it.

Food addiction can be described as irresistible cravings that involves changes in the brain chemistry.

A person with food addiction can't resist eating certain foods which often leads to problems such as obesity.

There are many people around the world who are suffering from some kind of food addiction.

Also, this is one of the major causes of obesity in people around the world.

So, if you are suffering from any kind of food addiction, the best treatment is to seek professional help as soon as possible.

18. Exercise is Important

One of the most important part of a weight loss schedule is workout.

This means if you are on a workout plan, besides the diet, you also need to focus on exercises that can help you lose weight.

So, let us discuss some


These are exercises that can increase your heart rate and can also help you burn calories and lose some weight.

Well, every physical movements that involve voluntary movements of muscles such as walking, running, cycling, stairs climbing, etc. is cardio. Studies have proven that cardio can help in prevention against heart disease and also has weight loss benefits.

Resistance Training

It is important to build some muscles mass.

This is because when you are on a diet plan, you lose some muscle mass, and the loss of muscles is linked with slow burning of calories.

Thus, resistance training can help in maintaining muscle mass while you are on a diet and can help you look and feel much better.

19. Concept of Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is a concept that focuses on increasing an awareness about eating.

If you focus on mindful eating, it will help you establish control on your food choices and improve your consciousness about hunger and satiety.

This can help in establishing a healthy eating habit.

Studies have shown that mindful eating have positive effects on eating behavior, weight, and stress of the people who are suffering from obesity.

It has also been beneficial for people who involve in emotional eating or binge eating.

20. Lifestyle Changes

Weight loss isn't just about focusing your entire life on getting those extra pounds off your body.

If you entirely focus on diet and exercise, there will come a time when you'll get bored of it and stop focusing on losing weight.

Thus, it is important to not only focus on weight loss, but to aim for having a healthy body.

This can help in keeping up with the weight loss plan for a longer time and assuring long-term health.

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How to Get Rid of Big Hips - Top Diets and Workouts to Tone Big, Wide Hips in 4 to 5 Weeks

Fat gain is a common problem. Everybody deposits fat in different areas of the body & through different ways.

Losing fat from the hip & thigh area is the most difficult among all.

Women are more likely to accumulate extra pounds in these areas.

But what are the ways to burn that fat? How to get rid of big hips?

Before you go for any method to lose fat for some particular area, you need to understand one thing clearly.

The weight loss diets always make you lose weight from the entire body.

Losing weight from only one particular area is not impossible, but it calls for some workouts.

Actually, the impact of the weight loss diets can be transformed & utilized for a specific area with the planned exercises.

The diet pills or supplements loosen up the fat cells of the entire body.

With the workouts you burn them from a particular area more than the others.

How to get rid of Big hips in 4 to 5 weeks?

The answer is simple - to burn a lot of calories around this area. Hip muscle is the largest muscle of the body.

Here are some tips to lose hips fat:

The exercises that help in toning your hips include strength training & cardio workouts.

The cardio activities should be done at least for 30 to 45 minutes 4 times a week.

These form the warm up sessions. In case you are yet willing to workout further, then follow it up with the strength training exercises.

The strength training exercises 

They help in developing lean muscles out of excess fat in your body. Also crunches are very effective in this endeavor.

Exercises such as squats, leg press and hip abductors are also helpful.

The other way to lose weight is avoiding the use of elevators. It is better using the stairs. It helps you lose fat from hip & thigh area.

Your diet must include large amount of fruits & vegetables.

Avoid taking bananas. Also have 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday. It helps in eliminating the toxins from the body which is really helpful during the workout sessions.

Natural diet supplements

Apart from all these measures you may try natural diet supplements like the acai berry that helps you suppress the appetite.

They do not starve you and have no side. It boosts your metabolism and also increases the overall energy of the body.

Can Lemon Juice Substitute Lime Juice For Weight Loss?

Some people are wondering if lime juice can be substituted for lemon juice for weight loss and vice versa.

The answer would be yes.

Any fruit which consist of citrus acid in it can be substituted with each other such as lemon, grapefruit, lime and others.

Both lemon and lime juice can provide acidic elements and some zest to your recipes when baking and cooking.

If you don't have one of them then it is alright to substitute with the other.

Why Use Lemon Juice for Weight Loss

There are already several claims about the success of this diet.

In order to effectively lose weight, you can squeeze a lemon in the warm water every morning.

Some people are wondering whether these claims are actually real.

Well, it seems that it is a fact due to the evidence gathered on the effectiveness of lemons in regulating the absorption of sugar in the body as well as in improving your digestion.

Aside from this, it has also vitamin C which is a very important element for those who are serious about their weight loss.

This is because the body will absorb more calcium into the fat cells which can help in losing weight.

How Does Lemon Juice for Weight Loss Works

Actually, it is quite surprising how juice of the lemon can be very effective in sugar absorption as well as in regulating metabolism and as a result helps you in losing your extra weight.

The secret is hidden behind the acidity content of the lemon.

Lemon juice is full of citric acid. That is why, if you take a glass of lemon juice with warm water at the start of the morning, you can achieve a healthy natural digestion in your stomach.

The citric acid in the lemon will interact with enzymes and the other acids in your digestive system so that you can have a worry free and healthy digestion.

Lemon juice for weight loss can lower your absorption of sugar.

According to studies, it just takes a little lemon and you can already lower your absorption of sugar.

This is due to the high content to acid in lemon. Aside from the lemon juice, you can also eat the lemon peels.

The peels contain pectin which can help in losing weight because it will form a gel substance in your stomach and helps in the sugar absorption of the food that you eat.

According to the research done at Arizona State University, those people who are eating foods which are full of vitamins such as lemon, lime, oranges, kiwi fruit and grapes are less likely to gain more weight compared to those who have low intake of vitamin C.

Aside from having a healthy digestive system, it can also help in absorbing more calcium from the foods that you eat and the calcium will be stored in the fat cells.

The more calcium you have in your fat cells, the more you will burn fat. So, this is another benefit from lemon juice for weight loss.

For info on juicing for weight loss [] ideas, visit []

Healthy Juice Recipes: Juice Recipes For Weight Loss

Juicing is one of the most effective ways of losing weight. The method is preferred by many people as it prevents hunger, convenient, and detoxifies your body naturally.

Recipes For Weight Loss

There are many types of juices that you can prepare to lose weight. Here are recipes of the best juices:

Toxin killer

it's known for its many antioxidants that combat free radicals. 

The antioxidants also cleanse your system for toxins. It also contains many healthy greens to provide your body with many essential nutrients.

The ingredients of this juice are

 Apples, cucumber, spinach, ice, lettuce and celery.

You should peel the apples and cucumber and drop them into the juice together with lettuce and spinach.

You should then add ice and blend for a minute or two. You should drink the juice while cold.

Celery and beet juice

You need to have cilantro, celery stalks, a small beet, sea salt, and a cup of chopped spinach. 

You should put all the ingredients in a juicer and blend the juice well. 

To create a tangy taste you should add a little lemon juice.

The main benefit of this juice is to get rid of toxins and wastes thus helping you to cleanse your body system.

Veggie delight

The ingredients that you need to prepare it are: oranges, carrots, lettuce head, celery stick, cabbage head and broccoli branches.

Experts recommend this juice to people who aren't big veggie fans. 

The few vegetables contained in the juice contain antioxidants and phytochemicals.

To prepare the juice you should use a citrus juicer for the oranges and then add the juice to a collection jar that contains some ice. 

You should run carrots, cabbage, celery and lettuce through the juicer and stir to blend well.

Spicy green juice

The juice contains beneficial nutrients such as potassium, calcium, vitamin K, and vitamin A. 

To make the drink you need to have a green apple, spinach, lemon and ginger. 

You should put all the ingredients in the juicer and blend them well.

Fruity blast

This is a sweet and nutritious drink that is ideal when you are low on energy.

The ingredients that you need are: apples, pineapple, kiwi fruit, and nectarines. 

You should start by removing stones from the nectarine and skin from the pineapple and then chop the pineapple and apples until they easily fit through the juicer. 

You should then add ice, mix well and drink immediately.

Kiwi has a low glycemic index and high fiber content. 

These two factors means that it won't create strong insulin rush like other fruits. This means that the body won't store fat.


Juices play a huge role in weight loss. While there are many juice recipes out there, not all are of benefit to you.

You should do research and settle on the best ones.

By using healthy juice recipes 
[] you will not only lose weight, but also live an overall healthy life. 

As mentioned you should do your research and find the best juice recipe for you. To know more about us visit: [

5 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight on a Ketogenic Diet

When you are in ketosis, your body burns fat and uses it for energy in an efficient manner.

 This process makes the keto diet an ideal choice for those who are looking for an easy way of losing weight. 

However, if you are following this diet and are not losing weight, chances are that you are not in ketosis. 

Given below are some common reasons for not losing weight on the ketogenic diet.

1. Not Reaching Ketosis

Typically, most keto dieters don't lose weight because they don't achieve ketosis. 

And the reason that they don't achieve ketosis is that they don't reduce their carb intake.

 According to experts, your carb intake should be only 5 to 10% of your caloric intake.

Most keto diets require dieters to reduce at least 20 grams of carbs per day. And that's why they may not be able to burn fat. 

You can buy a home testing kit and use the test strips to find out if your urine contains ketones. If the test result is positive, you are in ketosis.

2. Consuming a Lot of Protein

Most low-carb diets do allow some amount of protein. If you think a keto diet refers to a high protein, low-carb diet, you need to think again. 

The thing is that this type of diet may not help you reach ketosis as your body can't break down the excessive amount of protein to get amino acids, and then convert the amino acids into sugar.

When on a keto diet, you get your calories from fat. And fat should be at least 55% of your caloric intake.

3. Eating a Lot of Acceptable Carbs

You can have some types of carbs when on the keto diet, such as dairy and nuts. 

Typically, these foods are rich in fat and nutrients. Therefore, they can be an ideal addition to your diet. But the problem is that they have carbs in them.

Therefore, it's not a good idea to have a lot of these foods. Ignoring this advice will prevent you from maintaining ketosis.

4. Eating Maltitol

Usually, sugar alcohols are fine for keto dieters. They offer sweetness but don't increase the number of carbs in your body. 

But it's important to keep in mind that some types of alcohols do contain carbs.

For instance, maltitol is a type that is not allowed on this low-carb diet. Technically, it's low GI sugar but has an impact on your blood sugar levels. Therefore, it may prevent you from achieving ketosis.

5. Taking Too Many Calories

If you eat more calories than you burn, you won't be able to shed those extra pounds. In fact, if you consume a lot of calories, you may gain fat even if you have achieved ketosis.

Foods that contain a lot of fat have more calories compared to foods that are rich in proteins and carbs. 

Therefore, it's important that you monitor the calories you consume on a daily basis. If you stick to a balanced diet, you may achieve your goals.

So, these are a few reasons you may not be able to lose weight on your keto diet.

Are you looking for the answer to "what is carb pairing for weight loss" or "why you are not losing weight on keto diet ", you should check out